iLumi⁺ is a highly intelligent lighting system that can connect to a users smartphone or other Bluetooth devices via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. It can wirelessly control various lighting devices, including switches, multi-level brightness adjustments, color temperature adjustments, and timed shutoff. The system provides convenient, efficient, and personalized smart home experiences, significantly improving users quality of life and convenience.
iLumi⁺ 是一款高度智能的照明系统,可通过蓝牙低功耗 (BLE) 技术连接到用户的智能手机或其他蓝牙设备。它可以无线控制各种照明设备,包括开关、多级亮度调节、色温调节、定时关闭等。该系统提供便捷、高效、个性化的智能家居体验,显着提升用户的生活质量和便利性。